
Saturday, 8 September 2012

First Open House

Since that I have been so buzy plus there are no invitation for me (T_T),today is the first hari raya open house for me this year. I get a day off for today for tommorow event preparation. So I had a good sleep until my SO-INCONSIDERATE-HOUSEMATES. Making noises just jealous because they had to go to work. It's ok. I'll be leaving the house very soon.

Since that I cannot sleep, and bucuk will only come back from work on the afternoon, so I just spent the morning crocheting my never-finished-wedding-gown and watching cartoons. It has been years since my last moment I watch cartoons on weekends. I missed those beautiful moments so much.

On the afternoon, I wore my purple kebaya songket for the open house ceremony. But what did I get from bucuk? His annoying face. Owh!! How I hate that. Can he at least appreciate what have I done to look good. Hey, I'll be around him for the whole day. He claims that I cannot ride his motorcycle with those. So I reminds him that I have a CAR. Spoilt my hari raya mood.

Then the day just being much better. I went to 2 open houses and the foods are magnificent. Too bad coz I had to get back home early since my roomate is locked in the house since she left her keys in the room, and I locked the room. Anyways, tonight I have to work so I took my time to do the laundry and have another nap.

0 scatches:

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