
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Addicted To Furdiburb

So I was browsing in google play looking for an app that I can actually called a pet. It has been days I’ve been browsing with all sorts of keywords. Tamagochi, pet, fish, cat, ect. I’ve found furdiburb several times, but I just ignore it because I was actually looking for a pet that exists, but furdi is an alien. But after I read all the feedback from the users, I feel disappointed and I clicked furdiburb to give it a chance. And to my surprise, I like all the feedbacks.

So I downloaded it and I played it. And I was so in love with it. There are still a lot of things that I don’t understand about furdi and luckily I have Mr Google to do all the explanations to me.

I found this two links in wordpress and hubpages to help me with furdi.

And I’ve become more and more eager to discover this game. It has passed my bed time and I just cant stop.

0 scatches:

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