So today, I took my day off and headed to the spa for my pre paration before the wedding day. 2 more days to go. After I done my facial for 2 hours, I was asked to proceed for the spa, but then, I just can't because of my cycle. Perhaps, no spa for the wedding.
The spa is very nice, I'm shocked as the two hours facial has gone like a blink of eyes. But the result is good for now. Next time I came, I will have another facial and spa day. I really can't wait.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Spa Day
Post Tag:
Wedding mood
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Addicted To Furdiburb
So I was browsing in google play looking for an app that I can actually called a pet. It has been days I’ve been browsing with all sorts of keywords. Tamagochi, pet, fish, cat, ect. I’ve found furdiburb several times, but I just ignore it because I was actually looking for a pet that exists, but furdi is an alien. But after I read all the feedback from the users, I feel disappointed and I clicked furdiburb to give it a chance. And to my surprise, I like all the feedbacks.
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Life Explained
Monday, 10 September 2012
Jalan-Jalan Cari Idea
Selepas balik kerja, Bucuk datang menjemput Aie dari pejabat terus ke IOI mall di Puchong. Semalam Bucuk ada cakap nak ke Jusco, tapi untuk apa, Aie dah tak ingat. Memandangkan kami hanya merempit, maka kami tak lah tersangkut dalam kesesakan trafik kota raya. Sekejap aje dah sampai. Sampai je kat IOI, kami pun terus ke kedai makanan segera. Lapar sangat petang-petang ni sebab Aie bukannya jenis yang makan tengah hari. Aie tak suka makan cepat-capat. Aie suka ‘enjoy’ makanan Aie. Waktu rehat 1 jam sahaja tak cukup bagi Aie. Kalau Aie makan di rumah Amy, mesti Aie yang habis paling lambat. Bukan apa, nak menikmati rezeki ALLAH. Dalam pada itu, sempat juga Aie ambil gambar ‘booth’ yang menyulam tuala untuk hantaran kami.
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Life Explained
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Raja Jalanan Adi Dassler
Hari ini bermula sangat awal. Sebagai tulang belakang dalam acara larian yang gah, Aie terpaksa bersedia awal dan berakhir lewat. Sudahlah esok pun kena paksa kerja. Macam inilah nasib mencari sesuap nasi. Mujurlah hari ini tidak bermula dengan teruk. Ingat tak artikel photobook yang Aie tulis? Aie dah dapat bukugambar yang Aie reka sendiri. Mungkin bagi orang lain, ianya tidaklah secantik mana, namun bagi Aie, ianya sangat berharga. Memori percintaan Aie dengan Amy terakam indah didalam bukugambar tu. Seronok tak terkata. Tambahan lagi,Amy memberitahu Aie bahawa rumah yang kami survey 2 hari lepas, sudah pun Amy sewa. (^_^) Tamatlah penderitaan selama setahun.
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Life Explained,
Saturday, 8 September 2012
First Open House
Since that I have been so buzy plus there are no invitation for me (T_T),today is the first hari raya open house for me this year. I get a day off for today for tommorow event preparation. So I had a good sleep until my SO-INCONSIDERATE-HOUSEMATES. Making noises just jealous because they had to go to work. It's ok. I'll be leaving the house very soon.
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Life Explained
Friday, 7 September 2012
Posto! Posto!
Teringat filem P.Ramlee Ahmad Albab semasa babak seorang posmen yang tolong membacakan surat kepada Syawal yang buta huruf. Yang menariknya, posmen tu tak cari Syawal di rumah, tapi di padang ragut. Agak-agaknya la kan, alamat kat sampul yang bapak mertua Syawal tulis tu padang ragut la kan?
Post Tag:
Wedding mood,
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Masuk Angin Sudah
Semalam Aie baru mula puasa 6, tapi dah pukul 4 ptg, Aie boleh pula termakan kerepek yang kawan-kawan pelawa. Hari ini dengan penuh semangat wajanya, Aie puasa lagi walaupun Aie tak bersahur. Aie makan nasi himpit semasa makan malam rumah bucuk je semalam. Dan hari ni, bukanlah hari yang tenang.
Post Tag:
Life Explained,
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Cut and Paste
I followed Amy home to do one of most tedious job for future bride. Preparing the invitation card. I booked the card on line via Iris Awana because I have no time to went to the shop and choose.
Post Tag:
Wedding mood
Monday, 3 September 2012
The Trail To Try
Today was awesome. Amy's family and I went to the bridal shop to choose the wedding dress and pelamin. Well this is the first time Amy and I went to the bridal shop and fitting our wedding dress together. Before this, I was alone fitting the dress because Amy has to work. The shopkeeper asks me why did my fiancé did not come over to fit the dress together. It was a very embarrassing moment as everyone is with his or her partners. At least I manage to fit the dress with Amy once.
Post Tag:
Life Explained,
Wedding mood
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Tutorial Menggunakan Pixajoy Editor
Dua hari lepas Aie ada pos satu artikel mengenai `Photobook`kan? Jadi hari ni, Aie nak buat tutorial menggunakan Pixajoy Editor.
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Saturday, 1 September 2012
Jom Tengok Wayang
Hari ini Aie dan Cik Abang keluar bersama adik-adik Aie tengok wayang di TGV. Sebenarnya kami tidak ada apa-apa rancangan tentang wayang yang ingin ditonton. Bila tiba di panggung wayang, Aie kami memilih untuk menonton `diary of a wimpy kid : dog days`
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