
Saturday, 25 August 2012

The Prewed Visit

It’s a great day today. My family comes over to see me and my other half for hari raya celebration. Two families gathering are so overwhelming. It’s Saturday, so my office hour ends on the afternoon. Amy comes over to my office to fetch me home after work as usual. But today, he took me to his house instead of mine. Arriving there, I’m in shocked as his relatives are at his house visiting his family. It’s kind of awkward as this is my first time meeting them and we are not married yet. Besides I’m not in my hari raya attire as I’m in my casual office attire.

His mak asked me when would my family be arriving to their house so that she can prepare the meal. So I called them. For my surprise, they are already in KL area but still going round and round searching Amy’s house, blaming the GPS. Hilarious. So, I asked my abah to just wait at my office nearby so that I can fetch them there. Well, abah will always be abah. He never listen and he drove the car farther away. He stopped at the petrol station for pray. Finally, Amy and I found my abah’s car.

My abah asked Amy to follow him to Pertama Plaza to buy something. I drove my other family members to Amy’s house. So his mak and my mak has this “motherly” conversation while waiting for abah and Amy. When they are home, the conversation continues and his mak tells the story about the last days of his late abah. A very touching story to tell. Then, there comes their main reason to come over all the way from Johor, to discuss about the procedure during the engagement and solemnization day. Hey, I was there and blushed. Can you at least asked me to go to the kitchen for a while?

After dinner, my parents asked me wheter I would like to come over to Seremban for a family friend’s son wedding. A thing that I would never say no is traveling. So Amy and I bring along Jennifer and spend the night with my family in the hotel in Seremban.

Here comes my blanket, after a nice hot shower.
My sleepy head tells me to sleep now.
Tomorrow I have to rise early.
The swimming pool is waiting for me until afternoon only.
So nite all.

0 scatches:

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