
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Sunday Soak

It’s Sunday and I rise early today. Yes, it’s true that I really don’t want to leave the fluffy comfy bed. But there is more than that I want today. So I went to Amy’s room to had my shower, because I hate waiting for my sister to have her shower. It’ll take forever for her to get out.

After a nice shower, we went down to have breakfast together. Amy loves nasi lemak. So does my brother. My mak tells Amy that she have to cook nasi lemak for Iftar during fasting month just for my brother. I tell Amy that I don’t know how to cook nasi lemak as well as the sambal, so if he would like to eat nasi lemak so much, we have to get back to Johor more frequent. I meant to provoke him, but instead of being annoyed, he tells me to learn it from my mak. Ok, now I’m the annoyed one.

After a nice breakfast, abah ask Amy to follow him to fetch his missing cards. I refused to follow because I have much more interesting thing to do. Swimming! My brother has already been in the elevator so excited to get change and swim into the pool. It has been a while I haven’t swum. So I swim till I shivers the pool is located in the middle of the building. No sunlight but only during afternoon. The water is cold but not as we can feel in waterfall. So, we play in the water until abah and Amy got back just to tell us that the missing card is actually in the car all the time. Then Amy joined us until we are ready to check out in the noon.

After check out, we went to Sendayan for an old family friend’s son’s wedding ceremony. They greeted us very warm as it has been years I haven’t met them. They recalled that I used to cry a lot when I was a little girl. They also asked Amy to take a really good care of me because I would cry for any reason. Shish! Stop it. It was a really great ceremony that I have to leave because I’m so sleepy that I slept in front of the pelamin.

I woke up early.
Swim till afternoon.
Have a really nice lunch.
It’s a really good combination of reasons why I should sleep now.
Till then.

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