
Monday, 27 August 2012

Monday Morning

This morning, I feel so sorry to my bed as I have to leave it to be alone. Well actually that is just an excuse for me not to get up. Hey, it’s Monday. Unless there are some thing interesting is coming up, it’s getting hard to get up. Furthermore, it’s raining heavily outside. So Bucuk is on leave today, so I have to walk to the office all by myself. At the moment I prayed that today would not be any worse.

And its like magic, everything has become so good. The “I’m-watching-you” a.k.a IWK is also on leave. Yeah. So, today will be more pleasure instead of pressure.

Well, I really need to keep things less tense as I’m getting married very soon and last Wednesday I had my first migraine. The migraine is so hurt that my left eye tearing by it’s own but my right eye is just doing fine.

The pain started on my brow after I drove from my hometown in Johor back to KL. Then I fetch Bucuk from his office and we went to a mall for dinner. Maybe the glare from the sun set is the blame. But I wore my Polaroid sunglasses and tinted my windshield like no other. Well, things happen for some reason. Bucuk come over to fetch me to clinic in the middle of the night. How considerate he is.

So, after work, Bucuk come over to fetch me and we had a great time in Subang. He had been craving for a nice burger from Carl’s Jr. since ramadhan.

Then, we go home.
I’m so exhausted.
Good night all.
Have a nice dream.

0 scatches:

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