
Thursday, 23 August 2012

Journey to the new world

Hello everyone! Sorry for the renovation works here. I'm still working on it while counting down to the day of pride. 30 more days and I will be a Bride. Excited? Uh, sometimes I do but others I don't. My parents arranges everything for me. But if I have to do all those things I believe I would never be able to control myself for not turning into a Bridezilla though. Very lucky me. I love my family.

Even though I did not spending for the wedding, but I'm broke because I would like to have something in my wedding that my parents can't think of. Well, I'm their eldest child, this is their first time. I'm ALWAYS their first time. And again, I was so lucky to have a very thoughtful future husband Mr Amy a.k.a Bucuk (smelly). Owh, how I love him even though he is smelly. Hey! He supports me while I'm broke! So don't laugh.

So, I've short listed some of the things that I should do before the wedding. Some are doing well, but some are still needs my discipline to go on. Today is my first day I drank Prune Essence to boost my radiance and fix up my spotty scarred complexion. It taste like prunes - nuff said. Well, it's getting late now. I have to work tomorrow. Yup my Hari Raya mood still on, but what to do?

So, night all.
Till then, so long.
Sleep tight.
Lullaby oh Lullaby.

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