
Friday, 31 August 2012

Tutorial Homemade Photobook

Hari Merdeka!! Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh rakyat Malaysia. Sama ada untuk bercuti bersama keluarga ataupun untuk meraikan hari kemenangan negara dalam pemerintahan sendiri. Aie manfaatkan hari yang berbahagia ini untuk menyiapkan `photobook` yang bakal ditayangkan pada hari perkahwinan Aie nanti. Aie menempah bukugambar ini hanya melalui dalam talian. Pixajoy. Mudah, Cepat dan Jimat.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Merdeka Untukku

Sempena merdeka yang bakal disambut sebentar lagi,Aie ingin menggunakan bahasa melayu tinggi untuk artikel kali ini. Sudah lama sangat jari dan lidah Aie gunakan bahasa inggeris untuk berkomunikasi setiap hari. Aie pun tidak faham mengapa ramai orang yang memulakan perbicaraan dengan Aie dalam bahasa inggeris sedangkan kami sama-sama orang melayu yang sangat fasih berbahasa melayu? Semoga semangat patriotik yang ada pada hari ini boleh berkekalan. Bolehlah Aie menulis dalam dwi bahasa.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Wednesday Wellness

It has been months I had been so docile at my desk. I wasn’t allowed to do anything since the day I have been harassed helplessly. So today I had the chance to be outdoor and feel the sunshine. I almost forgot how does it feel to take a break from staring at the computer monitor.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Tuesday Time Out

Shish! My raya mood is still lingering. Unfortunately, today I've got a very bad news. My second guardian angel is leaving me. Well, he got a now job somewhere. I don’t want to be a busy body gossip girl, so I didn’t ask more about it. He even leaves a day before my solemnization day. I hope he is available during the showers. I think I know where would he be working with. That person is someone I used to know.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Monday Morning

This morning, I feel so sorry to my bed as I have to leave it to be alone. Well actually that is just an excuse for me not to get up. Hey, it’s Monday. Unless there are some thing interesting is coming up, it’s getting hard to get up. Furthermore, it’s raining heavily outside. So Bucuk is on leave today, so I have to walk to the office all by myself. At the moment I prayed that today would not be any worse.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Sunday Soak

It’s Sunday and I rise early today. Yes, it’s true that I really don’t want to leave the fluffy comfy bed. But there is more than that I want today. So I went to Amy’s room to had my shower, because I hate waiting for my sister to have her shower. It’ll take forever for her to get out.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

The Prewed Visit

It’s a great day today. My family comes over to see me and my other half for hari raya celebration. Two families gathering are so overwhelming. It’s Saturday, so my office hour ends on the afternoon. Amy comes over to my office to fetch me home after work as usual. But today, he took me to his house instead of mine. Arriving there, I’m in shocked as his relatives are at his house visiting his family. It’s kind of awkward as this is my first time meeting them and we are not married yet. Besides I’m not in my hari raya attire as I’m in my casual office attire.

Friday, 24 August 2012

One Step Ahead

I believe some of you might recon this motto. But that's not my point. I would like to use it as my post title to express my feeling. My bucuk has done a really nice thing to me today. His part of our wedding registration is done. Can you see the smile on my face? Trust me, it is really a BIG SMILE.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Journey to the new world

Hello everyone! Sorry for the renovation works here. I'm still working on it while counting down to the day of pride. 30 more days and I will be a Bride. Excited? Uh, sometimes I do but others I don't. My parents arranges everything for me. But if I have to do all those things I believe I would never be able to control myself for not turning into a Bridezilla though. Very lucky me. I love my family.
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